Editorial Independence

At GoodvsBetter.com, we believe in being transparent with our readers about how we earn revenue from our content. We use a combination of responsible advertising, clearly marked sponsored content, and affiliate links to generate income.

Affiliate links are included in some of our content, and if you click on them and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission from the retailer or manufacturer. We partner with various affiliate services such as Amazon Associate to ensure our readers have access to a wide range of products and services.

However, our use of affiliate links does not impact our editorial independence or our commitment to providing honest and unbiased reviews of products and services. Our recommendations and critiques are solely based on our expert opinions and the belief that the product is truly the best or not the best in its class.

It is important to note that not all of the products we cover have affiliate links, and our authors are unaware of how much commission we may receive from a purchase. We strive to maintain transparency and integrity in all of our content, so our readers can trust that our recommendations are based on our genuine belief in the products and services we feature.
